EzMail : fast and easy
EzPop's purpose is not to replace your favorite
mail client. You may yet use it to send mail. Like the messages you read with
EzPop, they won't be automatically saved. If you wish to keep a copy of a message,
your mail client is probably more comfy. But for writing a quick note, sending
a file ASAP, or reply on-the-fly to an urgent message, nothing can beat EzPop!
- In the Configuration panel, click
on the Accounts Configuration tab.
- Check the Use EzMail to reply to the messages
- Type your SMTP server address in the Outgoing
Server (SMTP) field. You probably won't have to change the default
Port: 25.
- Click on the Properties button.
- In the User Information zone,
type your name and e-mail adress.
- Options : you can include the message in the
reply and automatically add a signature to outgoing messages (see Options)
Using EzMail
To send
a message, right-click on the main window, then choose New EzMail
in the menu. A window is displayed, to let write your mail:
- From
: the sender (that's you ;-) Select in the menu the account you wish to use..
Note : Sending mail with a web-based account (Hotmail, Yahoo
etc...) is not possible.
- To
: the recipient. EzPop remembers typed addresses and will auto-complete them.
- Subject
: self-explanatory
- Files
Menu : to send an attachment, click on the Add button.
Si you change your mind or make a mistake, click on Remove.
The other buttons are clear:
Send (the message), Stop (to suspend the sending),
Close (the window).
To reply to a message, click
on the Reply to sender button in the Message window.